
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method that involves placing fine needles at specific points on the body’s surface to treat various health problems with a recognized history of almost 3000 years. It is designed to correct any imbalances in the body, which may give rise to disease or illness. In acupuncture, the belief is that there is a continuous circulation of energy in the organism.  Illness can occur because of derangement of this circulation.  Where energy fails to circulate as it should, vital organs may suffer from it.  The Chinese call this flow of energy, or life force, “Qi”.

  • Acupuncture includes stimulation of specific acupuncture points along the skin of the body using thin needles.
  • By inserting needles at specific acupuncture points along energy channels within the body, called meridians (energy paths), energy channels can be unblocked or stimulated in order to effect on a particular parts of the body or symptom.
  • Acupuncture, if practice properly, can redirect and normalize the flow of energy and bring the patient back to health.